Interview questions when choosing a lawyer

Interview questions when choosing a lawyer

Want to hire a lawyer with impeccable experience and skills?

To make sure you make the right choice, we suggest asking the following interview questions when choosing a lawyer.

1. How long have you practiced law?

It is important to know whether you will be instructing a newly qualified lawyer or a veteran.

2. What expertise do you have?

Would you go to an Orthopaedic surgeon for a skin condition? Do they have expertise in the area of law you wish resolved?

3. What is your success rate?

A successful Lawyer will not be shy to tell you how many cases they have won.

4. What are your fees, and how are they charged?

The Lawyer should give you a good indication of the likely fees, and how they should be paid. Insist on this information in writing at the start to avoid any misunderstandings.

5. Do they offer any alternative funding arrangements?

These include fixed fee, conditional fee, subscription arrangement or payment by installments

6. How will they solve your legal problem?

A good Lawyer will have a strategy for resolving your case.

7. Do you have professional indemnity insurance?

All Lawyers in Spain are obliged to have this type of insurance, but many do not. They are obliged to tell you if you ask. Beware of any Lawyers that are not insured.

8. Do I have a strong case, and are there any risks?

Lawyers are obliged to advise you of the viability of your case. Obtain the advice in writing.

9. What is the likely outcome of my case?

Whilst is it impossible to provide any guarantees, a Lawyer should be able to provide a range of possible outcomes.

10. Who will be doing the work on my case?

Will it be the person you are meeting or someone else? You do not want to instruct a Lawyer only to find out that someone completely different is conducting your case.

11. How long will the case last?

No Lawyer can predict the future or foresee events like Covid-19, but they should be able to provide a best estimate based on their experience.

12. Do you have any conflicts of interest?

Lawyers are obliged to tell you about any conflicts if asked.

13. How will we communicate?

Find out how your Lawyer likes to communicate. Every Lawyer is different. Find out the method that works for you both.

14. Ask your Lawyer to confirm that monies paid by you will be paid into a separate Client fund. This is obligatory.

15. What is your strategy for my case?

An experienced Lawyer should be able to provide a clear roadmap for your case. 

16. How do you negotiate?

How your lawyer approaches dispute resolutions, negotiations, or contracts matters deeply. A great lawyer will work to draft fair and balanced agreements that are wins for both sides. At the same time, they’ll work tirelessly to shield you from being taken advantage of. Faster and more efficiently handled proceedings result in three favorable outcomes:

Less money you must spend.

Decreased drama you must deal with.

Lowered tensions leading to better relationships between the two parties. 

17.Other than a law degree, what kind of special training or knowledge do you have that might apply in my situation?

For more information on this topic, have a look at this interesting article from Forbes Legal Council:

Also have a look at our article about “Understanding legal costs” at




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