What is TeleLaw?

What is TeleLaw?

What is TeleLaw?

TeleLaw is the remote practice of law using audio/visual technology to allow individuals to access legal advice and the court system to address their myriad of legal needs; offering an acceptable alternative to in-person meetings. Basically TeleLaw is legal advice from anywhere, at anytime.

Why TeleLaw?

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals and businesses do not have the time to visit a lawyer in his or her office for legal advice or assistance. This is especially so for prompt legal advice. Technology has evolved to such an extent that it is possible to speak and see someone across the world, using your mobile phone and home computer. The face-to-face consultation has, therefore, become necessary only in limited circumstances.

How does it work?

You simply make use of technology you already have either on your phone or your computer. These include Skype, WhatsApp Video, FaceTime, WebEx and Zoom. All these applications and/or programs are easy to download and use.

What are the benefits of TeleLaw?

  • TeleLaw enables anyone to seek legal advice without wasting precious time and money.
  • No geographic limitations. You can speak to someone anywhere in the world at anytime.
  • Can be used for urgent matters

For more information on the benefits of use video conferencing, visit this interesting article from Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business-insights-ideas/resources/10-reasons-to-use-video-conferencing

For more details about the benefits of a virtual law firm, visit our article on 11 reasons for having a virtual law firm at https://buenosabogados.es/11-reasons-for-having-a-virtual-law-firm/

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